Sunday, March 26, 2017

#SOL17: I've Never (Thanks Linda!)

image from my art journal (2016)

I was reading Linda B's post the other day and she invited readers to play a game called, I've Never...

From Linda's blog: Game explanation

Each player receives five (or three if there's less time) toothpicks. Each time the player HAS done the shared action, she or he must forfeit a toothpick. The one or you can choose to have three who still have at least one toothpick are the winners! You can time it and those left are the winners. 

Here's my list...

I've never. . .

  • climbed a mountain
  • traveled to South America
  • eaten Red Snapper
  • worn 4" heels
  • been to a professional basketball game
  • ubered
  • watched The Walking Dead
  • read or watched Gone With the Wind
  • been in a helicopter
  • voted Republican
  • seen the Northern Lights

How did you do?


  1. Your post cost me 3 toothpicks. :)

  2. I lost 3 toothpicks (Professional basketball game, The Walking Dead, and Northern Lights) I don't care about two of them, but the Northern Lights are on my bucket list.

  3. Toothpick count: 5 1/2
    Mountain… ½ toothpick, depends on definition of mountain and climbing
    South America- definite toothpick
    Red Snapper- toothpick
    4” heels- toothpick (though not a habit)
    Professional BBall game- toothpick
    GWTW- read many times, movie many times (toothpick)
    Would like to:
    See Northern Lights

    1. It's interesting how such a simple game generates interest.

  4. I'm out! I lost 9. Did I do that right? (There are 9 things on your list out of 11 that I have not done.

    1. Yes, that's true. Imagine - there are 11 for me:)

  5. Thanks for the shout out, Mary Ann, and love seeing your list. I was out pretty fast, but have not worn 4 inch heels!

    1. I can't imagine standing up, let alone walking in 4" heels:)
      Great game. Lots of fun.

  6. Shoot - I lost all of my toothpicks before the final two items! (Ok, 4-inch heals only lasted 20 not counting them!) Snapper, mountain, helicopter, uber, and GWTW got me. Such a fun format - thanks for sharing, I'm adding it to my list of potential blog topics and structures at

  7. You cost me eight...sigh. Two of these I have no regrets about not doing or ever doing: wearing 4inch heels (flats, clogs, and sneakers for me) or voting Republican (ugh!).

    1. LOL. I have no regrets about those things either:)

  8. I was out long before the end of the list! Your list would cost me 7 toothpicks! Thanhs for the thought provoking slice!

  9. I handed over three. I have climbed a mountain, gone to a professional basketball game (The Celtics) and have watched Gone With the Wind. I have seen photos of the Northern Lights. This.....I have tried and tried to witness, but no luck so far. This was fun.

    1. Fun is good. I so want to see the Northern Lights. Rob used to say he wanted to hear them.

  10. Interesting "game" . . . I have to surrender 6 of the 11 toothpicks.

  11. Lost four toothpicks. I've been to South American, watched a professional basketball game, ubered, and watched GWTW.

  12. 3 for me...Red Snapper (Several times on my honeymoon), pro basketball game (one Knicks game) and watched Gone With The Wind (several times on TV and once when it was re released in theaters for the 75th anniversary.)


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