- Armstrong, Jennifer. 2003. Audubon: Painter of Birds in the Wild Frontier. Illustrated by Jos. A. Smith. NY: Harry N. Abrams.
- Bernier-Grand, Carmen T. 2009. Diego: Bigger Than Life. Illustrated by David Diaz. Tarrytown, NY: Miles Cavendish.
- Bogart, Jo Ellen Bogart. 2011. Capturing Joy: The Story of Maud Lewis. Illustrated by Mark Lang. Tornoto: Tundra Books.
- Brenner, Barbara. 2003. The Boy Who Loved to Draw: Benjamin West. Illustrated by Oliver Dunrea. NY: Sandpiper.
- Bryant, Jen. 2010. Georgia’s Bones. Illustrated by Bethanne Andersen. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Books for Young Readers.
- Christensen Bonnie. 2011. Fabulous: A Portrait of Andy Warhol. NY: Henry Holt.
- Cole, Henry. 2010. A Nest for Celeste: A Story about Art, Inspiration, and the Meaning of Home. NY: Katherine Tegen Books.
- Davies, Jacqueline. 2004. The Boy Who Drew Birds: A Story of John James Audubon. Illustrated by Melissa Sweet. NY: Houghton Mifflin.
Duggleby, John. 1998.
Story Painter: The Life of Jacob Lawrence. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle.
Frith, Margaret. 2003. Frida Kahlo: The Artist who Painted Herself.
Illustrated by Tomie dePaola. NY: Grosset & Dunlop.
Gherman, Beverly. 2002. Ansel Adams: America's Photographer. NY: Little Brown.
Goldber, Dana. 2008. On My Block: Stories and Paintings by Fifteen Artists. San Francisco, CA: Children's Book Press.
Greenberg, Jan & Sandra Jordan. 2007.
Action Jackson. Illustrated by Robert Andrew Parker. NY: Square Fish.
---------------------------------------------. 2007.
Andy Warhol, Prince of Pop. NY: Laurel Leaf.
Claire. 2002. Me and Uncle Romie: A Story Inspired by the Life and Art of Romare Beardon. Illustrated by Jerome Lagarrigue. NY: Dial.
Hill, Laban Carrick. 2010.
Dave the Potter: Artist, Poet, Slave. Illustrated by
Bryan Collier. NY: Little, Brown.
Igus, Toyomi. 2004.
Going Back Home: An Artist Returns to the South. Illustrated by
Michele Wood. San Francisco, CA: Children's Book Press.
Isom, Joan Shaddox. 2001. The First Starry Night. Watertown, MA: Charlesbidge Publishing.
Jacobson, Rick. 2004. Picasso: Soul on Fire. Illustrated by Laura Fernandez. Toronto: Tundra Books.
Johnson, D.B. 2010. Palazzo Inverso. NY: Houghton Mifflin.
Lasky, Kathryn. 2009. Georgia Rises: A Day in the Life of Georgia O'Keeffe. Illustrated by Ora Eitan. NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Le Tord, Bijou. 1999. A Bird or 2: A Story about Henri Matisse. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Books.
-------------------. 1995. A Blue Butterfly: A Story About Claude Monet. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Books.
Lyons, Mary E (Ed). 1998. Talking with Tebe: Clementine Hunter, Memory Artist. NY: Houghton Mifflin.
From Me, Frida |
------------------. 1993. Stitching Stars: The Story Quilts of Harriet Powers. NY: Atheneum.
------------------. 1993. Starting Home: The Story of Horace Pippin, Painter. NY: Atheneum.
Maltbie P. I. 2010. Claude Monet: The Painter Who Stopped the Trains. Illustrated by Jos. A. Smith. NY: Abrams.
--------------. 2007. Picasso and Minou. Illustrated by Pau Estrada. NY: Abrams.
Guadalupe Rivera. 2009. My Papa Diego and Me/Mi papa Diego y yo: Memories of My Father and His Art/Recuerdos de mi padre y su arte. San Francisco, CA: Children's Book Press.
Markel, Michelle. 2005.
Dreamer From the Village: The Story of Marc Chagall. Illustrated by Emily Lisker. NY: Henry Holt.
Massenot. Veronique. 2011. Journey on the Clouds: A Children's Book Inspired by Chagall. Ilustrated by Elize Mansot. Prestel.
Mayhew, Joseph. 2007. Katie Meets the Impressionists. NY: Scholastic.
Novesky, Amy. 2010. Me. Frida. Illustrated by David Diaz. NY: Abrams Books.
Niepold, Mil. 2009. Oooh! Picasso. Illustrated by Jeanyves Verdu. San Francisco, CA: Tricycle Press.
---------------. 2007. Oooh! Matisse. Illustrated by Jeanyves Verdu. San Francisco, CA: Tricycle Press.
Obiolis, Anna. 2007. Dali and the Path of Dreams. Illustrated by Joan Subirana. London: Frances Lincoln.
Place, Francois. 2004. The Old Man Mad about Drawing: A Tale of Hokusai. Translated by William Rodarmor. Jaffrey, NH: David R. Godine.
Raczka, Bob. 2007. The Art of Freedom: How Artists See America. Minneapolis. MN: Millbrook.
Ray, Deborah Kogan. 2001. Hokusai: The Man Who Painted a Mountain. NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Rodriguez, Rachel Victoria. 2009. Building on Nature: The Life of Antoni Gaudi. Illustrated by Julie Paschkis. NY: Henry Holt.
---------------------------------. 2006. Through Georgia's Eyes. Illustrated by Julie Paschkis. NY: Henry Holt.
Rohmer, Harriet. 1997. Just Like Me: Stories and Self-Portraits by Fourteen Artists. San Francisco, CA: Children's Book Press.
Susan Goldman. 2009. Jacob Lawrence in the City. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books.
----------------------------. 2009. Magritte's Imagination. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books.
----------------------------. 2008. Whaam! The Art and Life of Roy Lichtenstein. NY: Abrams.
---------------------------- .2007. Delicious: The Art and Life of Wayne Thiebaud. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books.
----------------------------. 2007. Edward Hopper: Painter of Light and Shadow. NY: Abrams.
----------------------------. 2006. Andy Warhol: Pop Art Painter. NY: Abrams.
----------------------------. 2001. The Yellow House: Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Gauguin Side by Side. NY: Henry N. Abrams.
Saxton, Jo. 2010. Snail Trail: In Search of a Modern Masterpiece. London: Frances Lincoln.
Alan. 2009.
In Her Hands: The Story of Sculptor Augusta Savage. Illustrated by
JaeMe Bereal. NY: Lee & Low.
Stone, Tanya Lee. 2008. Sandy's Circus: A Story About Alexander Calder. Illustrated by Boris Kulikov. NY: Viking.
Sullivan, George. 2009.
Berenice Abbott, Photographer: An Independent Vision. NY: Clarion.
Duncan. 2011. Diego Rivera: His World and Ours. NY: Abrams Books for Young Readers.
Warhola, James. 2005. Uncle Andy's. NY: Puffin.
Whitehead, Kathy. 2008. Art from Her Heart:Folk Artist Clementine Hunter. Illustrated by Shaen Evans. NY: Putnam.
Wing, Natasha. 2009.
An Eye for Color: The Story of Josef Albers.
Illustrated by Julia Breckenreid. NY: Henry Holt.
Winter, Jeanette.
2003. My Name Is Georgia: A Portrait by Jeanette Winter. Orlando, FL: Voyager.
Winter, Jonah. 2002.
Frida. Illustrated by Ana Juan. NY: Arthur Levine Books.
Winter, Jonah. 2007.
Diego. Illustrated by Jeanette Winter. NY: Knopf.
Yolleck, Joan 2010.
Paris in Spring with Picasso. Illustrated by Marjorie Priceman. NY: Schwartz & Wade.
Wonderful! Thanks for the information! I want my great nephew to have and know these things.