
Friday, August 28, 2015

Early Literacy Series #1: Shared Reading & Writing and CAP

This is the first of seven posts about early literacy.

Shared Reading

Shared reading is the process when the teacher and the students read a book, chart, or projected text together. The text is read multiple times with the teacher reading the text and the children chiming in at predictable parts. Two criteria govern the selection of shared reading texts: they are predictable texts (big books and charts) and children are able to easily see the print. Predictable books have repeated patterns, refrains, and rhymes. Some important print concepts developed through daily shared reading include: the concepts of word, sentence, and tracking print from left to right, return sweep, and one-to-one matching (matching voice to text).

Shared and Interactive Writing 

from Phonics They Use
Teachers use shared and interactive writing to compose predictable charts. Predictable charts begin with the same sentence stem (My favorite animal is..., On Tuesday I will..., My favorite character is...) and are personalized by the students' contributions. See above for an example of a name chart made by a kindergarten teacher that captures the children's first names.

Write in front of the children. Let them watch you a you form letters and words and reread text.
Encourage children to write in whatever form they can (scribbles to words).

Concepts About Print 

Concept of Word
from here.
  1. Label classroom objects that are used by students on a daily basis. Refer to these words as appropriate during daily work.
  2. Begin to add simple sight words to a word wall to create a mental anchor for sight words as well. Identify these words during shared reading.
  3. Reread patterned text regularly during read-alouds, interactive read-alouds, and shared reading.
  4. Invite students to read chorally during patterned portion of text. 
  5. Discuss the importance of remembering and repeating the patterns in text.
Concept of Letter and Word
  1. During whole or small group shared reading point out words and letters in the text.
  2. Invite students to help you find a word or determine the number of words or letters.
  3. If necessary, use highlighter tape or a highlighter to more clearly illustrate word and letter boundaries
One-to-One Matching
  1. During whole group shared reading lessons, model how you point to words as you read.
  2. During small group  reading lessons, provide opportunities for students to point to words as teacher reads.
  3. Regularly use familiar text with students and ask them to point to the words.

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