
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Seeing: Guest Post by Greg Richardson (@StrategicMonk)

Guest Post

Greg Richardson is a spiritual mentor, and leadership and organizational coach, in Pasadena, California. Greg has served as a criminal prosecutor, an executive, and a university professor. Greg’s website is and he is on Twitter @StrategicMonk.

When Greg suggested we each write a post focused on the same topic, I was game. we decided on the topic of seeing.  Here's Greg's post. I always learn so much from him. Read on. I wrote about seeing as we'll and posted on Greg's blog.  You can read that post here.

People tell me that I see things differently.

I spent a long time not seeing because I was asleep to myself. My eyes were closed to who I really am. I tried to be the person other people expected me to be. I could not see that there was more to me than met my eyes.

Gradually, I began to see myself more clearly. As I came into focus, parts of my life that I had held tightly started to fall away. I came to see myself in new, deeper light. I have not arrived; my eyes are opening more each day.

Seeing is different now. It is less about how things appear, on the outside, and more about how they are on the inside.

The person about whom I have gained the most insight is myself. There are chambers and passageways in me that still need to be explored. My journey helps me see myself in new ways each day, and I see things each day that strengthen me for the next step. I am much more interested in asking good questions than in finding the right answers. I am better at seeing, and better at living, now that I bring more of who I truly am to the process of becoming.

I also see other people more clearly. While there are still challenges and struggles, I am practicing how to discern. I work with people and organizations who want to wake up well, to open their eyes and see clearly. While I cannot show them how it must be done, I can describe to them how it has worked with me. I can guide them and help them find their way until they can see more clearly for themselves.

As I share my true self with the true selves around me, the world comes into a new focus.

How do you see?


  1. I am always intrigued by the wide awakeness, necessary for living. When I read your post, Greg I was reminded of a book I have struggled to read by Gilles Deleuze, The Fold. He too writes of the irregular passages of the soul, the folds.

    Honored to have your words here, prompting us to not simply look, but to see.

  2. Enjoyed this exchange. Interesting that Rob was reading Moby Dick. The only line is remember is how we all get, at sometime or another, the "universal thump." Sandy thumped--harder on some than others. We have our power back but more importantly we have DEVIN back!


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