
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Imagining A to Z: G is for Generate Lines of Flight

G is for Generate Lines of Flight

A line of flight is a line of possibility.
Wood and Brown (2005) write: "...lines of flight are discontinuities, disruptions, splits or fractures that intercede in and break through the tedium of lives and the uniformity of things, changing the nature and significance of familiar histories and given situations as they interact along the way (Deleuze 1993)" (p. 13).

Lines of flight offer us ways to become otherwise, to recast the familiar.

Lately I have been making images with my iPhone.  This is relatively new to me. For the most part, I have made images using a Nikon with an 18 to 200 mm lens.  The iPhone requires me to see differently.  It is more intimate, requiring me to be closer in proximity with the subject. 

Juxtaposing the way I see with each of these allows lines of flight to occur: the space that is revealed between each signals a space where something new might be created.

Work cited:
Working paper
Wood, M. and Brown, S. (2009) Lines of Flight: Everyday Resistance along England’s Backbone. Working Paper 46. University of York, The York Management School.
Note: In this series of post during the month of April, I am participating in the A to Z blogging challenge, with each day focusing on a letter.  In order to bring some cohesion to this process--releasing the imagination is the focus of each post.


  1. Sounds like soaring between watersheds. I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs this month.

  2. Excellent post, Maryann, and an interesting concept: "lines of flight". I'm a writer, and this applies to us as well... I think. Gonna go explore now :D

  3. Hmmm very interesting, I love taking pictures and for years have been the chronicler of family get togethers in my family. I really like the picture of the fence you have at the top of your blog. Got lots of other people to go see now. Best regards to you, Ruby

  4. Well, iPhone or Nikon, the images are stunning. I always say it's not the equipment that makes the difference - it's the eye behind it.


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