
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Centrifugal Force

The Hurry Through (2/2012 by M.A. Reilly)

How are communities and schools ready for and responsive to what Anne Marie Slaughter (2011) in HBR describes?

Technologies that connect people to knowledge, services, and one another across the globe have acted as a centrifugal force, spinning functions and authority away from the center toward millions of previously silent and disempowered individuals. 

Instead of being global citizens (has a homogenized feel to it), how do we help young people to understand the implications of a world where previously silent and disempowered individuals are gaining voice, influence, and presence?


  1. Hi Mary Ann,
    I think both schools and communities are becoming aware of the power of technology. I have seen and participated in many global projects and they seem to grow in number. Children and teenagers grasp the importance of having "a voice" but perhaps this is a slower process as there are other factors that need to be figured out (digital safety, meaningful interactions, school resources etc).
    I, for one, am an optimist and I think the world is going forward in this regard.

    1. Always appreciate our perspective. Good to know you are positive about this as I know you engage in global projects. I do think it can be challenging as we are not use to thinking beyond the place we call home. Realizing the world beyond and how varied it is, can be alarming for some.

  2. love this.

    from Susan Cain's perspective, from Carly's (google Carly YouTube autism), ... adrenaline to our souls.

    1. Wow, that is some story. Reminds how little we know and the wonder and need for story. She and her family are inspiring, thanks Monika for recommending it. I wonder when her novel will be done. I would love to read it.


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